Life Goals

I only saw him once, looking jett-lagged and jaded, like he’d just got off a flight from the coolest party in the world and couldn’t be bothered to button up for the real world.  He had a cigarette dangling out of his mouth and kept tapping the hood of his car as pumped her full … Continue reading Life Goals

Useless Conversation

“You ever get tired of being useless?” “Sure, I’m always tired. That’s what makes me so useless.” “Lately I feel like I’ve got all this energy and nowhere to put it.” “Too much energy? Wow, what a sad problem. Life must be so hard for you.” “I’m serious. It’s like I’m gonna lose my mind … Continue reading Useless Conversation

FairyTales Installment Two: Boggarts and Brownies

It was her nature to be messy, not so much because she didn’t want to clean, but rather as a side effect of how much she did want to do everything else. One moment she would be painting in her robe and leaving watercolor splashes on the wood, then the next she was burning waffles … Continue reading FairyTales Installment Two: Boggarts and Brownies

FairyTales Installment One: Pixies

It was the kind of sweet summer day that tasted like crisp watermelons. She had gone out to the grass to frolic and write. She was a writer by trade, but a frolicer by profession. This meant that the frolic came first and last, and the grass here was particularly good for it, all those … Continue reading FairyTales Installment One: Pixies

Mean Nothing Alive

Who are you? Sometimes I feel like this is plastered on my face. Sometimes, all the time. When I'm drunk I don't know my own strength. Rip handles out of doors. Squeeze phones so hard they crush. It's because I'm so excited, when I'm drunk. The rest of the time I'm just wandering. Or is … Continue reading Mean Nothing Alive